
Dinosaur ROAR! {week one}

This giant egg was left in our classroom. 
What on earth could be inside???

 With this great little activity from Deanna Jump's Dinosaur Unit, the students and I had so much fun trying to figure it out.  Look at how adorable  these turned out.

Then.....BAM!  Man, it was mayhem when we walked back into the classroom from technology to find this ROARING dino!  They were so excited!

 We made our Paleontologist Journal to keep all of our work in over the next 10 days.  I love the detail my Littles put into their cover.

This poem, from Deanna Jump's Dinosaur Unit was glued inside the cover of the journal.  I had them go on a search for uppercase letters, HFW, and rhyming words while learning the poem to share with mom and dad when the journal goes home.

I found dinosaur stamps at U.S. Constructive Playthings for $2 a bag.  In addition to planning math activities using them, I had the kids illustrate a setting for their dino stamps.

I NEVER thought of discussing Pangaea with kindergarteners.  But what a fantastic discussion we had about plate tectonics.  They AMAZE me!!!

 The first dinosaur we talked about was the Brachiosaurus.  I read several books and then we filled in this bubble map as a whole group.  Then we made a super cute paper plate brachiosaurus to hang in the hall.

 Oh, and I forgot about making our paleontologist badge from here:
 Holy cow, they loved wearing these and showing everyone!

Next week...more exciting dinosaur writing, art, math, and science!  Have a great week friends!

*******Stay tuned for a BIG announcement regarding a HUGE giveaway********


  1. That paper plate craft is the cutest! Dinosaur week was so fun for us too!
    I tagged you on my blog.. come see! :)

    Loving & Learning in Pre-K

  2. Hi, Lots of Dinosaur Roar coloring pages on my website www.paulstickland.co.uk! All best, Paul

  3. Looks like a fun unit! Your dino paper plate craft is adorable! I just pinned it!

    Criss-Cross Applesauce

  4. Love all these great ideas! Too cute! I'm now your newest follower!

    Growing Up Teaching
