A Home for la Mariposas

How many of you get Monarch Butterflies?  
Well if you do, here is a simple and cheap way to make a 
comfortable and pretty home for them.

Here's what you'll need:
2 durable large paper plates
1-2 yards of tule
pretty spring ribbon
I usually go to Joann Fabrics or Hobby Lobby for the tule $6 for 10 yards (use 40% coupon from mobile app).  Dollar Tree for ribbon $4 and plates $1 for 20.  Total $11.00.  
I have enough supplies to last at least 3 years.

 1. Cut 1.5 yards of tule
2. Fold in thirds
3. Bunch one end and tie

 4. Slide one plate all the way to the end (from the bottom) and staple around the edges

 5. Tie off the other end 
6. Put the second plate on the bottom and staple the edges
7. Find a nice stick or small branch and place inside
A Home for la Mariposas
 8. Hang from the ceiling (low enough for the Littles to see the action taking place)

Happy Home Building!


  1. Great idea!! I am definitely not buying a new expensive one next year! Pinning so I won't forget :)

  2. Tanya, hush! You are so smart! What a good idea. :) Love you, friend!

  3. So smart!! Pretty and practical! Pinning :)

    ❤ -Stephanie
    Falling Into First

  4. I can't wait to try this next year...

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